Thursday, May 15, 2008

Starting time: 927pm

Name: Ivantanzhixuan. [ so famous ;D]

Sister/s: one ; so unfortunate :(

Brother/s: nopes

Shoe size: err...10 ?

Height: 1.81cm [regretted asking ? haha]

What are you wearing right now?
-converse shirt and some black pants.

Where do you live?

Favourite number : 08 [jersey number :D]

Drinks : H20 apple ; the auntie know so well.

Favourte Months :
- whats after december and before january ?

Favorite Breakfast:
-i dun like breakfast but dimsum will be fine.

***********Have You Ever***********
Been in a hot tub:
- i prefer cold water.

Swam in the ocean:
- yup , haven drown :)

Fallen asleep in school:
- yeahyeahyeah.

Fell off your chair:
- must be some people's prank -.-

Sat by the phone all night waiting for
someone to call:
- lying down in fact but YES :O

Saved e-mails:
- un-read a lot

Been cheated on:
- YES. you dunwan to ask who :S

***********What is************
Whats right beside you?
- left or right ?

What is the last thing you ate?
- SOAP. o.O

----------Ever Had----------
Chicken pox:
- nopes

Sore throat:
- hated.


Broken nose:
- still intact alright. :D

----------Do You------------------

Believe in love at first sight?
- never did.

Like picnics?
- under the air-con will be fine.

Who last made you smile?
- too tired to smile.

Who did you last yell at?
-basketball team mate O:

----------Final Questions-------------
What are you listening to right now?
- 9,87 muttons to midnight.

What did you do today?
- wishing its holiday

Hate someone in your family?
- they love me :)

Good singer?
-you bet .

Diamond or pearl?
- cash.

Are you the oldest?
- look old, still young :D

Indoors or outdoors?
- any indoors at outdoors ?

------------Today did you--------------
Talk to someone you love?
- YEAH, so cool.

Kiss anyone?
-dun ask :D

Get sick?
- is aching considered ?

Talked to an ex:
- yeah i did :x [dun jealous O:]

Eat Dinner:

- ate dinnerS -.-

------Last person who---------
You talked to on the phone?
- anyone willing to call now ?

Have a crush on someone?
- she said its different O:

What books are you reading right
- not reading !

Best feelings in the world:
- emo.

Do u sleep with stuffed animals?
-OMG YES, a pooh bear -.-

What's under your bed?
- my books.

Favorite locations:
- some where without homeworks and teachers AND parents. :/

Danced a slow dance with someone
you didn't even like?
- i hope not

Who do you really hate?
- who ?

You lonely right now
-yeah im tired. [LOL]

What time is it now?
- 957

i took 30 minutes-.-
not tt im slow, people keep talking to me O:


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